Singapore – April 2009 – EAS was nominated as the subcontractor for theatre rigging, sound reinforcement systems and stage lighting for School of the Arts Singapore (SOTA).
SOTA is the first national pre-tertiary specialized arts school in Singapore, strives “to create a vibrant environment for learning that is uniquely anchored in the arts, celebrating experimentation, expression and discovery, with the aim of developing leaders who will draw on their creative talents to enrich society.”
To achieve their mission, the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA), the founder has decided to construct a 50,000 square feet new campus in the centre of the city at Kirk Terrace. The additional space and futuristic architecture of the campus is believed to be able to inspire talented SOTA students. To complement the idea, the audio-visual systems within the premises have to be of “state-of-the-art” standard as well and EAS has been selected to deliver that.
EAS has installed communications systems venue-wide to allow crystal clear transmission of dialogues amongst staff on- and off- stage within the premises. Different quantities of loudspeakers, digital signal processors, switchers, microphones, projectors, motorised projection screens, LCD Monitors and touchscreen control panels are installed in the Drama Theatre, Music Auditorium, Studio Theatre, Multi-purpose Hall, Orchestral Rehearsal Room, Lecture Theatre and the Big Dance, depending on the size and special requirements of the specific area.
SOTA is set to be opened in 2010.